Deleting all social medias

November 11th, Wednesday
usual Wednesday. Ah. Don’t you love it when you think you’re having a normal day when all of a sudden everything changed? Well, today was that kind of day. I am sick. I still am, it’s 12:30am, I should be sleeping. I couldn’t. All the medicine that’s supposed to make me feel sleepy or dizzy didn’t work. Not this time. Now… about my day.

A boring night perhaps. Just like almost all the other nights. I felt empty. I had no purpose. I had no plans. I had no agenda. I contacted all my friends on Whatsapp to try and keep in touch with them. It was boring. Small talks and gossip. Well… as long as it passed time. Ah! I’ve got a message from my girlfriend! Finally, I could talk to her, one of the only people that makes me not feel BORED. But who knew? I was feeling empty. I said things I should’ve never said. I didn’t even mean what I said. It doesn’t matter does it? She’s already mad at me. She still is… I couldn’t reach out for my best friend… he was in deep shit himself and I didn’t want to make him feel more burdened.

There I was lying on my bed. I appreciate silence a lot. Switched off all the lights, the air-conditioner, anything that would made a noise. I played Fantasie Impromptu Op.66 by Chopin on half speed so I can enjoy more of it. There I was. Listening to the masterpiece which has been passed down throughout the ages with no thoughts in my mind. It was blank. I couldn’t think. I didn’t want to. The song ended, I felt like a disgrace. I play the piano, but never can I EVER create or even PLAY something this beautiful. Then it hit me. All the times Chopin spent practising the piano, there I am staring at my phone. Every time he was transposing there I was, liking a meaningless picture on Instagram. It finally hit me. Prodigies like Einstein,  Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart are seizing to exist. Not because all of us are not capable of achieving what they achieved. Sure, they made remarkable and revolutionary discoveries, but who is to say that we can’t do better? The only reason why there are no people like them anymore is because the chances of anyone being able to surpass them has been utterly destroyed by SOCIAL MEDIAS. Instead of being curious, instead of being inspired, instead of being creative, we are all wasting time looking at meaningless posts, meaningless photos, and meaningless videos. Don’t get me wrong, it is possible to find USEFUL information on the internet. But lets face it… how much time do YOU spend scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter just to find something that makes you amused? Instead of being productive, we are bound to ‘pass time‘ with social medias. We don’t ‘spend’ time being productive anymore. Instead, we waste it. I made a decision to delete all my social medias. And I did. Not using Facebook was a decision I made very early on. I never looked back. Now, after deleting everything… Yes… I might feel even bored and empty, but never will I waste time on social medias anymore. It’s safe to say that I will never look back on the decision I made today. And here I am… without twitter to express my thoughts and feelings, I have decided to write a blog. Hello.

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